To make it clear this is just my opinion, and you can agree or disagree. But, I think that the fact that people post global warming issues, plastic issues, or animal extinction/harm on their instagram stories is not necessarily stupid or unnecessary, but posting about an issue won't necessarily help that issue. If you post every day about how turtles are dying, the turtles are not being helped. It might spread the news about them, but things won't happen until someone takes action and starts an organization or something. Also, some people can just be posting because they want to be part of the group of people that are helpful and that care for the environment. But, if you truly cared for it, you would take action. Some people will just post without even thinking about what the issue is.
I agree that when people post awareness about something, they get this sense of having less guilt. They think that because they posted about it, they have done their part. They raise awareness about it, but don't actually take action or do something that would help. This connects to the idea of Teju Cole. He said that people who donate to poor countries only donate to make themselves feel better because if they truly cared, they would strive to do something bigger and better.